
主要: 音乐疗法
小: Natural Resource Management

What made you choose this major?

I always knew that I wanted to help people, but did not necessarily want to be a 医疗保健 专业. In addition, I have had a love of 音乐 since I was very young and knew that I did not want to completely let that part of my life go. While searching for what I wanted to do in college, I happened to stumble upon 音乐 therapy and fell in love.

How has what you’ve learned prepared you for your future?

I have learned many skills that will prepare me for my future, such as good 音乐al repertoire for different populations of clients. This has already helped me in my different field experiences that I have had; I have worked with mothers and newborns, and now am working with homeless adults at the Hope Center. These are vastly different populations which require very different song choices. I have used the knowledge I have gained from my Intro to 音乐疗法 course and various other courses to help me pick the right 音乐 to successfully help my clients.

What opportunities have you had to work closely with a faculty member and what impact has that had on your education?

A few of my classes only have three people in them, including me. Part of this has to do with the fact that we are going to be the first graduating class in 音乐 therapy, but nevertheless we get an incredible amount of personal attention from the professors. One faculty member that I have gotten to work very closely with is my voice professor. He truly cares about my education and helping me to develop my voice to its full potential. I came in with no experience with voice lessons or choir whatsoever, and he has completely taken me under his wing and taught me that anyone can sing.

What’s one unique experience you’ve had relating to the coursework for your major?

The most unique experience I have had so far is our Intro to Rhythmic Movement professor bringing in people from the community to teach us different skills. We have had a yoga instructor, an Alexander Technique teacher and tai chi instructor in our lectures so far, and our professor is a certified Feldenkrais method practitioner himself. It’s very exciting to learn from people that really know what they’re talking about and who can offer a unique perspective on things that may be able to help us in our future careers. Plus, we get to experience hands-on the different techniques ourselves in the class.

How has Carroll enriched your growth as a person outside of the skills you’re learning in the classroom?

I’ve been a part of Da Capo, the 音乐 组织 on campus, and ECO (Environmentally Conscious Organization) since coming to Carroll. These are unique opportunities where I get 志愿者通过s and educational experiences that I would not have in the classes for my major. I recently added a natural resources management minor as well. While it might be completely opposite of my 音乐 therapy major, the outdoors and environmental science has always been a passion of mine, and I wanted to be able to learn more and have the opportunity to work in that field someday as well. 谁知道? Maybe I’ll find a way to integrate both my major and minor together to provide a unique experience for my future clients.

If you were recommending your major to a prospective student, what would you tell them?

不要气馁! Stay on top of practicing your instruments and your studies. 压力会很大, both in the classroom and the practice rooms, but it will all be worth it in the end when you get to use all the skills you learned to help your future clients.

Why did you choose to attend 博天堂官方入口登陆登录?

我很高兴. I love the location of Carroll and the people here. The fellow students and the faculty are extremely welcoming and friendly.

Learn more about the 音乐疗法 program

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