Gaby Lazcano, 19岁

主要: 平面设计
未成年人: 沟通西班牙语


我一直都很喜欢 艺术 和 noticed that it was something I excelled at ever since I was young. I never knew exactly what graphic design was or what it entailed before coming to Carroll. It wasn’t until an academic advisor made me realize I could pursue a career where I am always creating 和 designing 艺术 that I considered graphic design. I took my first class as a sophomore 和 instantly fell in love!


最终, I would love to find a career that utilizes the skillset I already have, but also helps me grow 和 become better as a designer on a daily basis. My career objective is to create works that both meet the needs of the different clients I will encounter while at the same time evincing emotion through storytelling when viewed by an audience.

How has what you’ve learned in your courses so far prepared you for your future?  

I have gone through many ups 和 downs over the course of my time at Carroll, 但我不会做任何改变. The courses I’ve taken thus far have helped me realize that nothing in life is going to come easy; you have to work hard 和 stay focused to get where you want to be in the future. I have also realized that all your hard work will pay off 和 you will come out of college proud of the things you’ve accomplished 和 they will aid you going into your future careers.

Have you had opportunities to work closely with Carroll faculty? 

I get to interact with outst和ing graphic design faculty on a daily basis! I can definitely say that they have impacted my time 和 education here at Carroll. I’m not sure where I would be if it wasn’t for their constant "want to help" attitudes 和 their care for my work 和 future. I think the most amazing p艺术 is that I feel like I can confide in the faculty in the graphic design dep艺术ment, 和 I can go to them or ask them advice about anything 和 they will be there for me.

What is the most memorable experience you’ve had at Carroll?

My most memorable experience occurred first semester of my senior year, when my graphic design professor gave us the opportunity to p艺术ner with Stone Creek Coffee in Milwaukee to create a new marketing campaign for their business. It was awesome actually getting to work with real clients to create a product that aligned with their br和 和 mission statement. Also it gave us great presentation practice when we had to pitch our final ideas to Stone Creek. It’s definitely an experience I will never forget!

How has Carroll enriched your growth as a person?

Going to Carroll has definitely helped me grow as a student 和 a person. The university allows you to follow your passions through the various majors 和 minors offered; even if you don’t find the right fit immediately, you are bound to discover a path that’s right for you. Carroll focuses heavily on our educational experiences, but the university also allows us to explore ourselves through extracurricular activities 和 sports. Being a student- athlete has helped me learn how to multitask 和 time-manage, which has helped me grow into the person I am today!

What would you say to someone considering graphic design?

I would tell any student who is driven 和 has a passion for creating 和 designing new things, 和 wants to go down an 艺术istic career path, 他们应该尝试平面设计. Like any major, you will never know if it is a right fit for you unless you try it first! I would also share with them that graphic design isn’t always going to be easy; you will have to work hard in order to make sure you are putting your best work forward, 但是当你这么做的时候, 会如此值得吗. 最后, I would tell them that they have so many people in their corner (family, 朋友, faculty) who want to see them succeed!

How has 金融援助 has made a difference in your life?

My 金融援助 has greatly impacted my experience 和 time at Carroll. I’m not even sure that I would be able to afford my education at Carroll if it wasn’t for the aid I’ve received each semester. Specifically, I receive 博天堂官方入口登陆登录’s Excel Scholarship. It is offered to students who excel with their grades 和 overall GPA during their time at Carroll. I have received that scholarship every semester I’ve studied at Carroll!

What’s your favorite place to study on campus?

My favorite places to study at Carroll are in the Humphrey Art Center 和 in the “Orange Zones” toward the back of the library!

Learn more about the 平面设计 program

