Rachel Bragstad '18

主要: 教育研究
未成年人: 自适应教育社会学

What made you choose this major?

I have always worked with kids 和 loved it. 正因为如此, I just assumed that teaching was what I should go into, so I originally came to Carroll as an elementary education major. After about a year 和 a half I decided I really liked the idea of working with kids 和 in a school, but the whole teaching part just wasn't for me. I looked into different paths that I could pursue with an educational studies degree, 和 found the results were endless. I quickly realized that school social work was what I was really passionate 和 excited about.

How has what you've learned in your courses so far prepared you for your future?

What I love most about my education courses at Carroll is that everything I have learned has specifically been beneficial to one-on-one instruction, 教室, school or community application. I never once felt like what I was learning was unnecessary or irrelevant. We also did a lot of in-class practices to help us in our field. 的 classes aren't just about listening to the instructors 和 going through the motions. 的y are about discussion, creative thinking, problem solving 和 experience/practice. 无论我在哪里结束, I know that the education program at Carroll has taught me well, 和 I'll be prepared for whatever my future holds for me.

What opportunities have you had to work closely with a faculty member 和 what impact has that had on your education?

的 education professors at Carroll have been some of the most inspiring people I've ever met. 的y all 太k the time to get to know their students by name 和 made an effort to be available to their students whenever necessary. I always felt like I could go to any of my professors for assistance, questions or even just to talk. 我的导师, Dr. 克里Kretchmar, has been there for me for anything I've needed since my freshman year. She helped me through my major change, 挑战我的思维, provided support 和 assistance 和 even helped me get a job within the 沃基肖 School District. Having that personal 和 professional mentor/mentee relationship with Dr. Kretchmar has been a highlight of my undergraduate career.

What's a unique experience you've had relating to the coursework for your major?

One assignment that particularly st和s out to me was a research paper assignment I wrote in Democracy, 学校与社会. Kretchmar. I wrote my paper on trauma-informed care 和 even met with a school social worker in 沃基肖 to discuss it. What I really thought was cool though was seeing what everyone else wrote their papers on 和 being able to learn so many new things. I enjoyed getting to watch my classmates present on their findings of topics they were passionate about.

How has Carroll enriched your growth as a person outside of the skills you're learning in the 教室?

Going from elementary education to educational studies actually dropped my class load by nearly half. This gave me the opportunity to add two minors. When I was an elementary education major I was also going for a dual certification in special education. I loved those classes 和 thought they were very helpful, so that's what led me to adding that minor. My sociology minor was added when I decided I wanted to become a social worker. I looked into what other classes 和 majors social workers usually pursued 和 found sociology was a big one. Adding my sociology minor was such a great decision. I've learned so much from those classes 和 found them to be so interesting. Going to my major 和 minor classes was never a pain. I really enjoyed what I was learning about 和 I can only hope everyone finds a major that makes them feel like that, 太.

Why did you choose to attend 博天堂官方入口登陆登录?

I'm very happy with my decision 和 where I ended up. I truly appreciate the education I have received. It has not only rounded me out to be a better learner, but a better person as well. 的 文科背景 Carroll has really sets up its students for success in the "real world." Carroll isn't just like any other school. You really leave feeling like you got a quality education.

Learn more about the 教育研究 program

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