

研究论文是一种形式的论文,通过从各种来源的额外研究来评估选定的主题. 纵观整个研究论文, 作者将分析一个主题的几个不同角度来证明他们的主题句(或论文的观点)。.





Analytical: when the writer of an essay investigates a question (often a how or why).
Informative: when the writer chooses a topic to inform the readers on.
因果关系:当作者选择一个主题来理解行为和结果之间的关系时(通常是为什么), 什么或怎样的问题).


步骤Step 1: Know what type of research paper you are writing.
步骤Step 2: Choose a topic/create a thesis statement.
提示你论文的主题应该是你感兴趣的东西,想要深入研究一段时间. As for your thesis statement, it should be effective as it's the base to your paper. 创建一个有效的论文陈述, 作者必须提出主题, state their point of view and outline the reasonings behind their positioning.
步骤Step 3: Find reliable sources and information to back up your topic.
提示你选择的主题应该有足够的研究来起草一篇论文,满足你的页面要求. A goal to strive for is 3-5 sources, preferably 1-2 sources per body paragraph. If you have difficulty finding reliable sources, 你可能需要重新评估你的主题, either by simplifying it or moving in a different direction.
提示当你发现你的信息时,做笔记将在你起草论文的时候非常有用. 这可能是统计数据, 一个实验, or any background information you think the reader might need to make sense of your topic. Make sure you make note of what source the information you gathered came from so you can cite it!
提示为你的论文创建一个布局. Come prepared with 3-5 body paragraph main ideas. 将你的笔记组织成主要观点. Be sure to figure out a flow to your paper that won’t make your ideas seem out of place (i.e. 按时间顺序排列).
提示写! You can always rearrange sentences and ideas to what best fits your paper. Take risks with your writing, and if it doesn’t sound right, try again!



The introduction to any paper is important because its main purpose is to grab the reader’s attention. There are several techniques the writer can use to accomplish this:

  • 一个报价: A quote from a scholar or expert about your research topic can grab a reader’s attention. 重要的是要让你的引言不可预测和有趣,以保持读者的注意力,使他们想要阅读更多.
  • 有趣的事实和统计数据每个人都喜欢学习! Find a fun fact or shocking statistic related to your research topic. A shock factor can really grasp a reader’s attention.
  • 一件轶事: An anecdote is a short, but impactful story. 轶事对于提供关于你的研究主题如何影响你或其他人的真实生活例子也很有用. From childhood to adulthood, everyone enjoys an interesting story!
  • 问问题好奇心在大脑中茁壮成长. 以提问开始只会促使读者得到他们的答案——这个答案应该贯穿你的论文! 在你抓住了读者的注意力之后, 作为作者, 你应该确保深入地解释你的主题,以及为什么读者理解它很重要的原因. 推理可以由3个(或更多)要点组成,作者将在正文段落中涉及这些要点. Most importantly, you will want to include your thesis in your introduction!


Each body paragraph should contain its own main point; it’s crucial to not put all of the main points into one body paragraph. The author’s body paragraphs should introduce the main point, 解释为什么这对研究很重要, 包括研究结果. The writer will use the research findings to back up their main point. 当包括研究结果时, paraphrasing can help with the flow of your paper; it is still necessary for you to cite your source even when paraphrasing. 主体段的平均句数应该在5-10句之间(取决于句子的长度)。. 作为作者, 你要确保不要有一个非常长的段落,并且要注意在逻辑上可以中断的地方开始一个新的段落. This will ease the flow of your paper and give time to your readers to be able to process what they read.
The conclusion sums up the paper in a paragraph. 你的结论将通过简要总结所涉及的要点和你的立场来重申论文. It will also include what you want the reader to take away from reading your paper. 最后, 你会想要回到你的注意力吸引者——要么解释为什么引用或统计数据是明显重要的, 完成你的轶事, 或者回答你提出的问题.


在你的论文末尾引用引用的方式会因你使用的引用格式而有所不同.e. APA, MLA,芝加哥). The most important thing to takeaway with citations is that you must give credit where credit is due; every source used in your paper must be cited

毫无疑问,作者引用他们用来开发研究论文的来源是重要和必要的. To help keep track of the sources used, here are some helpful tips!
描述It could be helpful to have one page dedicated to one source, and the next page dedicated to another source. 这将减少你从哪里获得信息的混淆,并保证你引用的是正确的来源.
描述Organize your research through your main points. 创建一个键来标记你的研究, whether this be highlighting or writing a letter next to your research found.
描述It’s obvious that you should keep track of your sources, but you should also keep track of what source they are (i.e. 网站、杂志). This will come in handy when you are creating your citations later.


Creating your sources page can differ through due to the different types of citations (i.e. MLA, APA,芝加哥). However, no matter what citations you do, these few things stay the same.
  1. 你的消息来源将会在它自己的页面上. 确保你进入到一个新的页面, or select page break on Google Docs or Microsoft Word and start your citations page from there.
  2. 引文将按字母顺序排列. Citations are in alphabetical order determined on the first word of your citation; it could be a mix of author, 作品名称, 或公司.
  3. Everything cited in your paper will be cited in the sources page. You do not want to miss out on giving credit to a source as it could result in plagiarism.

Everything that you cite in-text will go straight to your sources page. For more information on citation styles and how to properly cite them, check out the 图书馆引文网站!