
Dr. Piatt约瑟夫

生命科学系系主任 获取联系信息


化学 生物化学 环境科学


Dr. Piatt is a professor of 化学 and 环境科学. He came to Carroll in fall 1998 after completing a post-doctoral appointment (1997-98) and Ph.D. (1997) at the University of Arizona in the Department of Soil, Water, and 环境科学. He received his master’s Civil Engineering-Environmental Engineering Sciences (1993) from the 明尼苏达大学 and B.S. degrees (1989) in chemistry and mathematics from Marquette University. 他在威斯康辛州的急流城长大, he was pleased to accept a position at Carroll and is still happy to call Carroll home after 19 years and counting.


  • 亚利桑那大学博士.D.土壤、水利部; & 环境科学, Minor field: Analytical 化学, 1997
  • 明尼苏达大学, MSCE, Department of Civil Engineering (Environmental Engineering Sciences), 辅修:土壤学, 1993
  • 马凯特大学,B.S.,主修:化学、数学,1989年毕业


Analytical 化学 and Water and Soil 资源.


约瑟夫·J. Piatt. Comments on the 沃基肖 Application for Great Lakes Water. 五大湖和大湖会议. Lawrence Seaway Governors and Premiers, Public Hearing, 沃基肖, Wisconsin, February 18, 2016.

NSF FEWS研讨会报告(#CHE-1541860). Food, Energy, and Water Systems Challenging Chemists and Chemical Engineers. National Science Foundation Workshop, Arlington, VA, October 13-15, 2015. 由研讨会参与者共同撰写的报告. 只邀请.

约瑟夫·J. Piatt和Erica M. 帕特森. Occurrence of pharmaceuticals in onsite waste treatment systems in 沃基肖 County. 大学生化学研究学报, 2014, 13(3), 55-59.

Great Lakes Beach Association Annual Conference, Toronto, ON, November 12-14, 2014. 托德R. Miller, Chelsea Weirich, Mary Seaman, Lucas Beversdorf, Sarah Bartlett, Sheila Marton, and 约瑟夫·J. Piatt. “High- Resolution Monitoring of Pharmaceuticals and Personal Care Products in Lake Michigan and Comparison to Microbial Indicators.”

247th ACS National Meeting, Dallas, TX, March 16-20, 2014. 约瑟夫·J. Piatt Kristine Multerer, Alexis Bean. “Contaminant transport in porous media: Making connections to chromatography.“CHED论文#136.

241st ACS National Meeting, Anaheim, CA, March 27-30, 2011. Kevin McMahon, Greg Marks, Michael Schuder, and 约瑟夫·J. Piatt. “Glasgow and Nottingham - A Tale of two cities: 博天堂官方入口登陆登录 pilots a new international undergraduate research program.“CHED论文#124.

WGWA Annual Meeting, 沃基肖, Wisconsin, March 19, 2010. 约瑟夫·J. Piatt. "Pharmaceuticals in 沃基肖 County: Surface water and ground water analysis.“邀请.

V. Klump T. 米勒,J. Piatt T. 选C. Nenn. 2016年5月4日. “Citizens of the Rivers and Lake Monitoring Program.” Submitted to the Fund for Lake Michigan (FFLM). 经费59,600美元.

肯特·莫尔特,约瑟夫·J. Piatt K. 麦克马洪和M. Schuder. 2015年8月. 博天堂官方入口登陆登录CREATE项目.” Submitted to the NSF-IRES Program, #1559240. 获资助25万美元.



  • Member, Presidential 搜索 Committee, May 2016-present
  • Member, Board of Trustee Committee on Ethics, AY1516-present
  • Member, President’s Advisory Committee on The Climate Survey, AY1516-present
  • 学院院长,2015年7月1日至今.
  • Chair, Faculty Executive Committee, July 1, 2015-present
  • Co-President, University Assembly, December 23, 2015 to September 19, 2016.
  • Chair, Life Sciences Department, AY 2009-10 to 2012-13 (four years)
  • Member, Academic Restructuring Task Force, Fall 2007- Spring 2009
  • 教师牧羊人 & Chair, Science Facilities Planning Executive Committee, 2004-2009
  • Academic Steering Committee, Fall 07-May 2011
  • Chair, Academic Steering Committee, Fall 2010 (GenEd implementation)
  • Chair, LAS Academic Steering Committee, AY 0809


  • 2011-2016年,美国化学学会密尔沃基分会委员
  • Chair, Milwaukee Section 美国化学学会, 2005-2007
  • Coordinator, Chemists Celebrate Earth Day, Milwaukee Section ACS, 2006-present


  • President, 沃基肖 Water Utility Commission, October 2013-present
  • Commissioner, 沃基肖 Water Utility Commission, October 2010-present


  • 2012 美国化学学会 Milwaukee Section Award Winner (outstanding contributions or service to the industry, 或密尔沃基分会) 
  • 本杰明F. 小Richason. 教师奖, 卡罗尔学院, 5月11日, 2008年(教学优秀), 研究及教育创新) 
  • Greatest 社区 Involvement Award in Chemists Celebrate Earth Day, 社区活动办事处, 美国化学学会, 9月14日, 2006


  • 阿尔法西格玛Nu,全国耶稣会荣誉协会
  • 美国优等生协会,国家艺术协会 & 科学荣誉学会
  • Phi Lambda Upsilon, National 化学 Honor Society
  • Pi Mu Epsilon, National Mathematics Honor Society


我教分析化学课程, 仪表, 环境科学, 以及水土资源. One of my favorite quotes related to teaching is from 本杰明Franklin: “告诉我,我忘记了. 教我,我就会记住. 让我参与进来,我就会学习.” I especially enjoy time with students in the laboratory and field, where you get to “do” science! 除了, I enjoy developing and teaching courses in Carroll’s cross-cultural experience program (Alaska, 欧洲).


My main research interests are in soil and water resources as related to the occurrence, fate and transport of contaminants in the environment. 最近, I have been investigating the occurrence of human pharmaceuticals in ground water and surface water systems, calcite precipitation dynamics in a calcareous fen system, and the ecology of harmful algal blooms in large lake systems. I enjoy working with students as undergraduate researchers. I have had the pleasure of working with nine Pioneer Scholars so far!


I am active in the leadership and activities of the Milwaukee Section of the 美国化学学会. 除了, I engage in several community-based organizations with science outreach initiatives and currently serve as President of the 沃基肖 Water Utility Commission.
