
Dr. 杰米•汉森

临床护理学教授 获取联系信息




Dr. 杰米•汉森 joined the nursing faculty at 博天堂官方入口登陆登录 in Fall 2010. Prior to transitioning to academia she worked as a Registered Nurse on a cardiac care unit. Dr. 汉森获得了博士学位.D. 2016年从马凯特大学毕业. 在博天堂官方入口登陆登录期间. Hansen has established a strong research trajectory focused on interventions to improve student outcomes using simulation learning experiences. She is well published and has presented at numerous regional, 国家, 以及国际护理会议. She has mentored over a dozen honors nursing research students who have presented their work at local and 国家 nursing conferences. Dr. 汉森被授予本杰明F. 理查森小. Faculty Award for excellence in teaching, research and educational innovation in 2021.


  • 马奎特大学哲学博士.D.护理学  
  • University of Phoenix, Master of Science in Nursing Health Care 教育 Concentration
  • Cardinal Stritch University, Bachelor of Science in Nursing
  • 沃基肖 County Technical College, Associate Degree in Nursing


Medical Surgical Nursing, Nursing 教育, Simulation



汉森J. & 霍尔兹、米. (2021). Facilitating multiple medical surgical nursing practicum groups during simulation laboratory days. 护理教育展望,42 (2), 126-127. doi: 10.1097/01.NEP0000000000000575
Woda,. Dreifuerst K.T., & 汉森J. (2021). Using a four-phased process when implementing a multi-site simulation study. 护理学临床模拟, 54,17-21.
Woda,. 汉森J., Dreifuerst K.T.Garnier-Villarreal, M.安德森,P. & 哈迪,T. (2019). The impact of simulation on knowledge and performance gain. 临床护理模拟[j]; 16-21. doi: 10.1016.j.ecn.2019.05.001  
汉森J. & 布拉特,M. (2017). Effect of sequence of simulated and clinical practicum learning experiences on clinical competency of nursing students. 护士教育家,42岁(5), 231-235. doi: 10.1097 /向.0000000000000364
Woda,., 汉森J., 帕克特,米., & Topp R. (2017). The impact of simulation sequencing on perceived clinical decision making. 实习护士教育,26(1), 33-38. doi: 10.1016/j.nepr.2017.06.008
Woda,.格林克,T., Alt-Gertman, P., & 汉森J. (2016). Nursing student perceptions regarding simulation experience sequencing. 护理教育杂志,55(9), 528-532. doi:10.3928/01484834-20160816-07
汉森J. & 布拉特,M. (2015).  Competence acquisition in simulated learning experiences: A concept analysis. 护理教育展望,36(2), 102-107. doi: 10.5480/13-1198

Selected Recent Peer-Reviewed Scientific and Professional Presentations

布拉德利,C.约翰逊,B.K.德莱弗斯特,K.T.A.卢米斯,A., & 汉森J. Making debriefing meaningful: Assessing student knowledge outcomes after faculty training in debriefing for meaningful learning. 华盛顿NLN教育峰会同期会议.C. 2021年9月.
布拉德利,C.约翰逊,B.K.德莱弗斯特,K.T.A.卢米斯,A., & 汉森J. The importance of debriefing training: Measuring student knowledge outcomes after faculty training in debriefing for meaningful learning. Podium Presentation at the 2021 国际 Nursing Association for Clinical Simulation and Learning (INACSL) Conference Denver, 2021年6月.
Woda,.德莱弗斯特,K.T.布拉德利,C.约翰逊,B.K., 汉森J. & Loomis,. Testing the impact of a train-the-trainer program on the use of debriefing for meaningful learning. Podium presentation at the 2020 NLN 教育 Summit Orlando, FL, September 2020.
约翰逊,B.K.布拉德利,C.德莱弗斯特,K.T.卢米斯,A. Woda,. & 汉森J. 教学同化, 住宿, and anticipation in simulation with debriefing for meaningful learning: The knowledge assessment scale and knowledge application scale. Podium presentation at the 2020 NLN 教育 Summit Orlando, FL, September 2020.
布拉德利,C.约翰逊,B.K.托马斯,英国.T.A., 汉森J., & Loomis,. 你的DML做得怎么样? Assessing your use of debriefing for meaningful learning. Podium presentation at the 2020 NLN 教育 Summit Orlando, FL, September 2020.
汉森J. & 霍尔兹、米. Successful use of simulation for high-stakes evaluation in a medical surgical practicum course. Podium Presentation at 国际 Nursing Association for Clinical Simulation and Learning (INACSL) Conference Raleigh, NC, 2020年6月.
汉森J. & 霍尔兹、米. Facilitating multiple clinical groups simultaneously during simulation laboratory days. Podium Presentation at 国际 Nursing Association for Clinical Simulation and Learning (INACSL) Conference Phoenix, 亚利桑那州, 6月20日, 2019.
Woda,., 汉森J., Dreifuerst K.T.安德森,P., & Garnier-Villarreal, M. Exploring the impact of simulation on knowledge gain regarding the care of the patient with diabetes. Poster Presentation at 国际 Nursing Association for Clinical Simulation and Learning (INACSL) Conference Toronto, 在加拿大, 2018年6月.
汉森J. Effect of sequence of simulated and clinical practicum learning experiences on clinical competency of nursing students. Poster Presentation at National Nurse Educator Summit, Orlando, FL April 3, 2017.


  • 2021-2022 约翰逊,B.K. (PI), Woda,.布拉德利,C.S., 汉森J., & Loomis,. (他们的研究). Exploring the Application of the Knowledge Assessment Scale and Knowledge Application Scale with Screen Based Simulation (vSim) and Debriefing. 莱尔达尔医疗补助金. 国际 Nursing Association for Clinical Simulation and Learning Debra Spunt Mini Grant.
  • 2019-2021 布拉德利,C.S. (PI),约翰逊,B.K.德莱弗斯特,K.T., Woda,., 汉森J. & Loomis,. (研究) Measuring the Impact of Training on the Use of Debriefing for Meaningful Learning: Faculty and Student Outcomes. 全国护理联盟
  • 2019-2020 约翰逊,B.K. (PI),布拉德利,C.S.德莱弗斯特,K.T., 汉森J.卢米斯,A., & Woda,. (研究小组成员) Testing the Impact of Training on the Use of Debriefing for Meaningful Learning: Faculty and Student Outcomes. Development Grant Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center School of Nursing 
  • 2019-2020 Woda,. (PI), Dreifuerst, K.T. (Co-I)布拉德利,C.S., 汉森J., 约翰逊,B.K. & Loomis,. (研究小组成员) A Pilot Study Testing the Impact of a Train the Trainer Program on the use of Debriefing for Meaningful Learning. Regner Research Award Marquette University College of Nursing
  • 2017-2018 Woda,., 汉森J. (Co-PIs), Dreifuerst K.T.安德森,P., & Garnier-Villarreal, M. (Team Members) Exploring the Impact of Simulation on Knowledge Gain Regarding the Care of the Patient with Diabetes. Sigma Theta Tau


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  • 2021年博天堂官方入口登陆登录本杰明F. 理查森小. Faculty Award for excellence in teaching, research, and educational innovation
  • 2015 Midwest Nursing Research Society-Honorable Mention Student PhD Research Poster Competition


我采用以学生为中心的教学方式. I feel this approach helps me to best facilitate students learning process.


I became a nurse educator because I love the profession of nursing and wanted to be around students who share the same passion as I do.


I try to use a variety of learning activities such as case studies, 游戏, and role-play activities throughout the course of the semester to help engage students in the content being discussed.


Students should know that while I am serious in class I am very approachable and understanding.
