
Dr. 罗伯特·布伦

生物学和海洋生物学副教授 获取联系信息


Biology 海洋科学


Dr. Brenes joined the Biology program at 博天堂官方入口登陆登录 in 2013. His research mainly focuses the effects of emerging infectious diseases in ectothermic hosts, particularly disease transmission among lower vertebrates (fish, amphibians and reptiles) and ecosystem effects of species extirpations. Emerging infectious diseases have been identified as one of the most important factors responsible for aquatic ectothermic organisms declines, and the increasing presence of infectious diseases constitutes a growing threat to global biodiversity and ecosystem function.


  • 田纳西大学博士.D. 自然资源,重点是野生动物疾病 
  • 德克萨斯大学泰勒分校.S. 以生物学为主,以生态学为主
  • 哥斯达黎加大学,B.S. in Biology


Organismal physiology, infectious diseases in vertebrates, herpetology



Brenes R., L.M.N. Nguyen, D.L.米勒和M. L. Rohde. 2022.  Hepatocellular toxicity of the metabolite emodin produced by the common buckthorn (鼠李cathartica)在绿蛙(Lithobates clamitans) tadpoles. 野生动物疾病杂志. 58(2). DOI: 10.7589 / jwd - d - 21 - 00040

DiRenzo, G.V.,陈志强,C.鲁根斯基,A.布雷内斯,R.,同时,M.R.品客薯片,C.M.Kilham, S.S. 嘴唇,K.R., 2016. Disassembly of a tadpole community by a multi‐host fungal pathogen with limited evidence of recovery. 生态应用程序.

Brand, M. D., R. D., Hill, R.布雷内斯,J. C.切尼,R. P.威尔克斯,D. L.米勒和M. J.格雷(2016). 水温影响对ranavirus的易感性. Ecohealth. 1- 10. DOI: 10.1007/s10393-016-1120-1

Brenes, R., M. J. Gray, T. B. Waltzek, R. P. 威尔克斯和D. L. Miller. 2014. Transmission of ranavirus between ectothermic vertebrate hosts. PLoS One. 9:e92476.

Brenes, R., D. L. Miller, T. B. Waltzek, R. P. Wilkes, J. L. Tucker, J. C. Chaney, R. H.哈德曼,M. D. 品牌和R. R. Huether. 2014. Susceptibility of fish and turtles to three ranaviruses isolated from different ectothermic vertebrate classes. 水生动物健康杂志. 26: 118-126.

Connelly S, Pringle CM, Barnum T, Hunte - Brown M, Kilham S, M. R. Whiles, K. R. Lips, C. Colón -高德,和R. Brenes (2014) Initial versus longer - term effects of tadpole declines on algae in a Neotropical stream. 淡水生物学59:1113 - 1122.

康奈利,年代., C. M. Pringle, M. R. Whiles, K. R. Lips, S. Kilham和R. Brenes. 2011. Do tadpoles affect leaf decomposition in Neotropical streams? 淡水生物学56:1863-1875.

Colon-Gaud C., M. R. Whiles, R. Brenes, S. S. Kilham, K. R. Lips, C. M. Pringle, S. 康纳利和S. D. Peterson. 2010. Potential functional redundancy and resource facilitation between tadpoles and insect grazers in tropical headwater streams. 淡水生物学55:2077-2088.

Colon-Gaud C., M. R. Whiles, K. R. Lips, C. M. Pringle, S. S. Kilham, S. Connelly, R. Brenes和S. D. Peterson. 2010. Stream invertebrate responses to a catastrophic decline in consumer diversity. Journal of the North American Benthological Society 29:1185-1198.

康奈利,年代., C. M. Pringle, R. J. Bixby, R. Brenes, M. R. Whiles, K. R. Lips, S. Kilham和A. D. Huryn. 2008. Changes in Stream Primary Producer Communities Resulting from Large-Scale Catastrophic Amphibian Declines: Can Small-Scale Experiments Predict Effects of Tadpole Loss? 生态系统11:1262 - 1276.

Lips, K. R., F. Brem, R. Brenes, J. D. Reeve, R. A. Alford, J. Voyles, C. Carey, L. Livo, A. P. Pessier和J. P. Collins. 2006. Emerging infectious disease and the loss of biodiversity in a Neotropical amphibian community. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 103:3165-3170.
Whiles, M. R., K. R. Lips, C. M. Pringle, S. S. Kilham, R. J. Bixby, R. Brenes, S. 康奈利,J. C. Colon-Gaud, M. Hunte-Brown,. D. Huryn, C. 蒙哥马利和S。. Peterson. 2006. The effects of amphibian population declines on the structure and function of Neotropical stream ecosystems. 《博天堂官方入口登陆登录》4:27-34.


Brenes, R., M. J. Gray, D. L. Miller, R. P. 威尔克斯和T. B. Waltzek. 2013. Transmission of ranavirus between ectothermic vertebrate hosts. Second 国际 Symposium on Ranaviruses, Knoxville, Tennessee. 表示与摘要.

Brand, M. D., M. J. Gray, R. P. Wilkes, J. Tucker, R. D. L. Miller. 2013. 温度影响动物对病毒的易感性. Second 国际 Symposium on Ranaviruses, Knoxville, Tennessee. 表示与摘要.

Brenes, R., M. J. Gray和D. L. Miller. 2013. Community composition matters: host identity affects outcome of ranavirus outbreak in larval amphibian communities. Annual Meeting of the Southeast Partners in Amphibian and Reptile Conservation. 麦考密克,南卡罗来纳州. 表示与摘要.

Brenes, R., K. R. Lips and M. R. Whiles, C. M. Pringle, S. Kilham. Role of tadpoles in energy flow in a headwaters stream, implications following population declines. 鱼类学家和爬虫学家联席会议. 新奥尔良,2006年7月. 表示与摘要.

Brenes, R., K. R. Lips and M. R. Whiles. Secondary production by tadpoles in a Neotropical headwater stream. 北美底栖动物学会联合大会. 安克雷奇,AK, 2006年6月. 表示与摘要.

Brenes, R., and K. R. Lips. Spatial and Temporal Variation in Tadpole Communities in Neotropical Montane Streams. 北美底栖动物学会联合大会, New Orleans LA, May 2005. 表示与摘要.

Brenes, R. and K. R. Lips. Patterns of decline in a tropical montane tadpole community. 鱼类学家和爬虫学家联席会议, Tampa, FL. July 2005. 表示与摘要.

康奈利,年代.; C. M. Pringle; R. J. Bixby; M. R. Whiles; K. R. Lips; R. Brenes, J. C. Colon-Gaud; S. S. Kilham; and M. Hunte-Brown. Neotropical Amphibian Declines Affect Stream Ecosystem Properties. 北美底栖动物学会联合大会, New Orleans LA, May 2005. 表示与摘要.


Brenes, R., J. T. Hoverman D. L. Miller, N. A. Haislip, S. R. 鲁恩和M. J. Gray. 2013. Phylogenetic and life history traits correlated with susceptibility to ranavirus: an expanded analysis with 35 amphibian species. Second 国际 Symposium on Ranaviruses, Knoxville, Tennessee. 海报及摘要.

Tucker, J. L., R. Brenes, D. L. Miller, T. B. Waltzek, R. P. Wilkes, M. D. Brand, J. C. Chaney, R. Hardman, N. Hilzinger R. 是否,和M. J. Gray. 2013. Susceptibility of common fish and chelonians to ranavirus. Second 国际 Symposium on Ranaviruses, Knoxville, Tennessee. 海报及摘要.

Gray, M. J., R. D. L. Miller. 2013. Presence of amplification hosts increases mortality of syntopic amphibians by ranaviral disease. Second 国际 Symposium on Ranaviruses, Knoxville, Tennessee. 海报及摘要.

Brenes, R., M. J. Gray和D. L. Miller. 2012. Community composition matters: the role of anuran species susceptibility in ranaviral disease outbreaks and ecosystem function. Annual Meeting of the Southeast Partners in Amphibian and Reptile Conservation. 田纳西州的瀑布溪州立公园. 海报及摘要.

Hunte-Brown, M. E.; S. S. Kilham; M. R. Whiles; K. R. Lips; C. M. Pringle, J. C. Colon-Gaud; R. Brenes; and S. Connelly. The Effects of Amphibian Extirpations on Foodweb Structure and Function in Panamanian Highland Streams. 北美底栖动物学会联合大会, New Orleans LA, May 2005. 海报及摘要.

彼得森,年代. D.; J. C. Colon-Gaud; M. R. Whiles; M. E. Hunte-Brown; S. Connelly; S. S. Kilham; C. M. Pringle; K. R. Lips; and R. Brenes. Organic Seston Dynamics in Upland Neotropical Streams: Implications for Amphibian Declines. 北美底栖动物学会联合大会, New Orleans LA, May 2005. 海报及摘要.


  • Tri-Beta Biological Honor Society, Advisor, 2014-present
  • 全球医疗旅,顾问,2015年至今
  • IRB委员会成员,2015年至今
  • Member of the Ranavirus Global consortium, 2013-present
  • 传染病课题组,2012年至今


  • Robert L. Kendall award for best paper in the 水生动物健康杂志, 2014
  • 2016年Beta Beta研究基金,
  • 教师发展补助金,2014年
  • Pioneer Scholar Grants for Student Faculty Research, Two grants; 2014, 2015


我喜欢大局观, not just how things work but how things and processes complement each other to form or explain bigger concepts. I like to teach under the light of evolution; how all systems and processes are responses of evolutionary forces.


I love science because it explains everything; to me, there is nothing better than to understand the physiological pathways resulting on a particular event. I’m intrigued by the processes resulting in decline of populations, how endogenous and exogenous events affect the survival of organisms and therefore populations, 社区和生态系统.  


To me, one of the best ways to bring students from sheer memorization of a concept to the ability of applying the concept in real life situations or to create a new point of view, is by providing the students access to hands-on activities such as experiments, 解剖, 实地考察旅行, etc.


I believe, I’m a very approachable person; always open to new research ideas and collaboration, so if you have a question or ideas never hesitate to stop by my office to talk about it.
