Schulist Named Athletic Director

作者: 杰夫Hagenau

发表日期: 12/22/2019

类别: 体育运动 教职员工 大学新闻

Athletic Director Michael Schulsit
Over the course of the past 13 years, 迈克尔Schulist has established himself as a reliable, insightful leader within the 博天堂官方入口登陆登录 Athletic Department.

Having served in many different professional roles during that time, 舒利斯特丰富的知识和指导已被证明是稳定的宝贵资源, ongoing development of the athletics program.

一个随和的人, 作为一名管理者,自信的举止和积极、严肃、前瞻性的思维方式, 这位精力充沛、充满激情的体育爱好者热情地迎接每一次挑战, learned from each situation and built a strong, 持久的名声.

Following a productive four-month stint as interim athletic director this fall, 舒利斯特于12月11日正式被任命为博天堂官方入口登陆登录校际体育主任. 16, 2019 - becoming only the third full-time athletic director in school history.

“这是一个非常特殊的机会,我非常兴奋,”舒利斯特在宣布这一消息时说. “说实话, it's still a bit surreal as I've grown up with Carroll and specifically Carroll 体育运动. I started out as a graduate assistant in 2007, was the sports information director, 后来参与筹款,最终成为助理广告,所以现在有机会领导教练和学生运动员,我感到很惭愧.

"It really hasn't sunk in as of yet. 希望在接下来的几个星期的假期里,我能有机会反思一下. Carroll is a special place. I don't want to be anywhere else and envision myself being here for a long time to come. 我感激不尽."

格林菲尔德的, 他是威斯康辛州人,毕业于惠特纳尔高中(Whitnall High School),在威斯康辛大学帕克赛德分校(University of Wisconsin- parkside)获得体育管理学士学位(2007年),并在美国体育管理学院获得体育管理硕士学位.S. 体育学院(2014), has worked in many areas within Carroll 体育运动, 包括筹款, 媒体关系, 学生工作监督以及活动和设施管理-在诸如Van Male Field House改造等高调的校园项目中发挥了重要作用, the acquisition and construction of Haertel Field, 非常成功的创纪录的年度先锋高尔夫精英赛以及运动部门的启动和品牌重塑, 包括创建一个现代化的网站,以及为卡罗尔“C”和皮奥皮特新设计的标志.

这是一个稳定的过程, progressive career path for Schulist, 他在2007年6月开始了他的卡罗尔职业生涯,担任助理活动和设施协调员/体育信息助理, 在整个项目中逐渐晋升,并被任命为高级副体育主管, 操作, 媒体关系 and marketing on on July 1, 2019.

"Mike is a proven leader with a strong work ethic. He embodies Carroll's ethos of respect, integrity, and stewardship.  他对卡罗尔和沃基夏社区的深入了解使他非常适合这个职位," said 博天堂官方入口登陆登录 President Cindy Gnadinger, regarding the appointment.

It's been an eventful year for Schulist, 谁是来自全国各地(来自所有三个部门的机构)的22名高级管理人员之一,被邀请参加NCAA著名的衔接项目, 一个高度选择性的为期一年的项目,培养个人成为优秀的体育总监或会议专员.

“接受这个新职位是有压力的,但我的情况有点特殊,因为我是和卡罗尔一起长大的,这些年来我认识了很多人,舒利斯特说。, who worked as an intern for two local professional sports organizations, the Milwaukee Brewers and Milwaukee Wave, prior to joining the Carroll 工作人员 in 2007. "I feel like I've earned a lot of respect through the work I've done. It isn't like I'm going to stop doing what has ultimately helped get me to this position. 我坚信仆人式领导,在做出艰难的决定或一如既往地在各个方面做出贡献方面没有问题. So I don't expect people to do anything that I'm not willing to do.

“我仍然会在那里努力帮助筹集资金,最重要的是,为我们的学生运动员提供最好的四年经历. 这一切都要从教练和运动员开始,为他们提供所需的资源,让他们获得应得的大学经历. I'm more than happy to do whatever it takes behind the scenes so that the coaches, student athletes and alumni are all able to reap the benefits."

舒斯特还为在几个NCAA赞助的委员会中服务感到自豪——完成了四年的任期(2014-2017),担任中部地区NCAA DIII男子足球排名和选拔委员会的全国主席,并担任该委员会的全国主席(2017年)。.  他目前担任北方地区NCAA DIII足球锦标赛委员会的全国主席,任期四年(2018-2021)。.

"We are thrilled to have Michael as our athletic director," said Dr. Theresa Barry, who oversees athletics as Vice President of Student Affairs. “他带来了博天堂官方入口登陆登录手机入口体育的丰富知识,以及对体育在学生大学经历中所扮演的独特角色的深刻理解."

Schulist, who credits such mentors as Kris Jacobsen, Joe Baker, Rick Mobley and Dr. Sharon Beverly as being highly influential in his development as an administrator, is intrigued about continuing to work with the dedicated Carroll coaches, 工作人员, administration and faculty while leading the school's 22-team athletic program.

"第一个 and foremost, I can't thank President Cindy Gnadinger and Dr. Theresa Barry enough for giving me the opportunity. 没有他们的参与, support and encouragement over the last three years, I wouldn't be here right now.

我们要做的第一件事是遵循格纳丁格总统的愿景并实现她的雄心壮志, thoughtful master/strategic plan. 我的责任是确保体育运动符合这一计划,并保持一定程度的一致性,这将使我们有机会向前发展,跟上竞争对手的步伐.

With the CCIW being one of the top three athletic conferences in the country, 我希望我们赢得比赛并取得成功,所以我(以及我的体育管理团队)有责任提出一个适合并在这种结构中茁壮成长的计划. 希望, 我们可以找到合适的人选,同时让我们的教练有能力招募并为学生运动员提供最好的机会. 此时此刻, 从学术和运动的角度来看,我们已经完成了很多特别的事情,但我们希望在未来做更多的事情."

Schulist, who resides in New Berlin, Wis. 与妻子, 基尼, and sons Nolan and Cody, is quick to point out that a strong, supportive family foundation has been vital to his ultimate career success.

“我无法感谢我的妻子, 基尼, enough for everything she has done," said a smiling Schulist, noting the couple is expecting their third child. "In this role you often work long, odd hours and she has been a rock in my corner from the very beginning.We met when I was a graduate assistant and she has been with me through thick and thin. She's been a great support system and we've been blessed to have two boys, 谁已经开始享受定期来办公室参加各种卡罗尔游戏和活动的经历. It's something I look forward to sharing with them in the years to come. My parents instilled my core values, have always encouraged my love of sport and continue to offer their support to this day. 在这方面,我很高兴能够将这些价值观不仅传递给我的家人,也传递给卡罗尔的家人.

"No matter what hat I wear or task I'm taking on, 这一切都是为了让博天堂官方入口登陆登录现在和未来的学生运动员变得更好. 从一开始, 我一直想成为卡罗尔的体育主管,所以我非常幸运能成为一名先锋,并计划在可预见的未来成为一名先锋."

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