
Author: 克里斯塔Ruehmer

发表日期: 12/16/2020

类别: Art F1RST杂志 教职员工 Music 先锋坚持 Students 戏剧艺术 视觉及表演艺术

Dancing the Line Between COVID-19 and the Creative Arts

没有人能幸免于 COVID-19大流行. 但是对于 视觉及表演艺术, the very foundation of artistic expression has been transformed this year. 在卡罗尔, students, 教职工们真的跳起舞来了, in some cases—on a fine line between adhering to necessary safety protocols while expressing creativity through music, 艺术与戏剧. 

Who is the audience, if the theater won’t be filled? How does an actor express emotion behind a face mask? How are art pieces showcased when a gallery night can’t be hosted? 当留给他们的创造性设备, Carroll’s arts department navigated the complex logistics without missing a beat. 





Telling a story of tragedy and romance on stage is no easy task in the era of COVID-19. But 詹妮弗·多比, who chairs the department of 视觉及表演艺术 (VPA) and adapted the production, 但这并没有阻止她.


ROMEO + JULIET (A Cover), initially meant to be staged by the 戏剧艺术系 2020年春天, 但由于流感大流行而推迟了, tells the classic Shakespearean tale with hit pop-rock songs in place of some of the original text. 因为流感大流行, 甚至是多比的一些原稿, 舞台和编舞都有所改变, as well.

在准备, 演员和工作人员都遵循了疾病控制中心的指导方针, Carroll and the University of Colorado’s Performing Arts Aerosol Study to help prevent the spread of COVID-19. 铸件尺寸从35减小到20, 在整个排练过程中, everyone had a temperature check before the day’s work. Carroll also installed HEPA filters that ran continuously in the house and backstage. 他们总是戴着面具和手套, and the cast and crew implemented and respected appropriate social distancing. 

安全措施并没有到此为止. Singing and dancing rehearsals took place outside as much as possible, while Stage Management sanitized every prop before and after use. Sanitizing stations were housed backstage and mics were never shared by multiple actors. 

The production’s largest musical numbers were filmed in advance to mitigate aerosol emission, which allowed for a true multi-media performance that included both live and pre-recorded footage.

Much of the staging and choreography underwent tweaks in order to maintain social distancing. 一个场景, 罗密欧和朱丽叶在哪里接吻, 这一幕的编排方式, though the actors were on different planes and socially distanced, their silhouettes in the shadows appeared to kiss. 


魔法,的确. 成功了.

The multimedia production was live streamed to the public on Oct. 24 and included live singing and music videos that were created by film and television minors. 

“It was a true interdisciplinary project directed by Professor 詹妮弗·多比,09届的萨拉(索恩)迈耶说, 2016年VPA促销活动经理.

最后, 多于1,000名观众观看了演出, 无论是虚拟的还是面对面的, with viewers tuning in from five different countries. 

票房内幕播客: 加入主持人Sara Meyer, promotion and events manager at 博天堂官方入口登陆登录, as she interviews the ROMEO + JULIET (A Cover) director, 詹妮弗·多比教授, 包括听众提问. 第41集可以在iTunes和 Spotify.


The 游行乐队,管乐团和合唱团 rehearsed in interesting ways this semester in order to keep everyone safe. While playing and singing from a distance, members of the 军乐队 also wore specially developed masks that allowed for wind instruments to be accessed through a small slit, 然后把乐器围起来.

And although there were no sporting events for The Marching Pioneers, they found new ways to exercise  and showcase their talents. Everyone loves a Friday, but the Marching Pioneers 军乐队 kicked it up a notch this semester. Band members, and occasional collaborators like the 火焰舞蹈队, have filled Main Lawn at 4:30 on Friday afternoons throughout the fall semester to perform as part of the Fridays After Class 军乐队 concert series.


自画像是主要的 art 教授 艾米收割机他每年都要上绘画和构图课. 然而,今年出现了一些挑战. 

“I was oddly surprised at how the masks altered how I could teach this assignment,” said Cropper. “As I was beginning to explain how to approach the features of the face—the eyes, nose and mouth—and I looked out at my masked students and laughed, “哦,对吧, 今年我们没有鼻子和嘴!’”

The self-portrait assignment is meant to help students learn the proportions of the human head. Students are also are asked to consider an aspect of their identity that isn’t physical, 并将其包含在肖像中, as well. Typically, students work from mirrors, allowing Cropper to provide feedback during the process. But, like much of this year, nothing is typical. 

“One key to drawing correct facial proportions has to do with observing things like how the bottom of the ears line up with the bottom of the nose,”她说。. “Or, 嘴的线条如何, 如果在脸的两侧切除, 表示下颌关节的位置. 面具遮住了这一切.”

Instead, Cropper decided to let her students choose whether they wanted to attend class in person for the assignment, 因此画出他们戴着面具的肖像, 或者他们想从主场抽到, unmasked. 事实证明,这是一个相当平均的分配. 一个独特而成功的任务. 

Final portraits are hung in the hallway of the Humphrey Arts Center.



Until this year, a Carroll production has never opened to an empty house. The Carroll Players, however, weren’t going to let Carroll’s talented casts and crews experience it. 


At the beginning of the semester, the theater department put a call out for Paper Patron submissions. Interested patrons could have a printed photo to sit front and center at every arts semester during the fall semester. 结果? 满屋子的朋友, family and furry loved ones in Shattuck Auditorium for the all arts events, including the unique experience of ROMEO + JULIET (A COVER), which opened in late October to a full house of 60 纸的顾客 and 500 virtual patrons watching from home.


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