
Creating the Wisconsin Artists Collection was the realized dream of Marceil Pultorak, 博天堂官方入口登陆登录艺术荣誉教授. She said, "I'd go into Shattuck Music Center and those walls would drive me crazy. 真是太浪费空间了." She also wanted a better way for her students to study art. Today the collection is used by art students in their classes and also educates viewers on the wide range and scope of Wisconsin artists.


把梦想变成现实从来都不容易. But it's the type of challenge that appeals to Marceil Pultorak. “我不会放弃,”她说. "When I want to see something happen I just keep going.“Pultorak, 卡罗尔学院艺术荣誉教授, realized one of her most important dreams in the establishment of the Carroll College Wisconsin Artists Collection.


"I'd go into Shattuck Music Center and those walls would drive me crazy,她说. “这太浪费空间了." She also was looking for a better way to teach art to her students. “当你看一张艺术幻灯片时, 你不知道这工作有多重要, 它的质地是什么, 它如何适应它的环境,她说. "They needed to see the real thing to be able to relate to it."

Pultorak, who is know for her outdoor metal sculptures, had made several connections with other Wisconsin artists throughout the years. She also had made a point of saving notices of their exhibits. As she leafed through her clippings, she realized she had the beginnings of something great. "I thought a permanent collection would bring out an awareness of how many creative artists come out of this state,她说. "Using Shattuck as a gallery would allow us to share their creativity and make the works accessible."

无障碍是普尔托拉克的首要任务. Viewing the works of individual Wisconsin artists generally meant traveling throughout the state to visit temporary exhibits. When the exhibit closed, the works would be put away until the next showing. "The most important thing is that art be seen,她说. “你为之奋斗的一切, 和牺牲, in order to have the time to express yourself, 你的艺术就是你的孩子. It shouldn't be stored in a dark room somewhere."

The Carroll College Wisconsin Artists Collection, 包括超过164件, is one of a handful of permanent collections in the state to exclusively feature Wisconsin artists. Creating it would take more than a decade of Pultorak's life. “我从1981年开始计划这个项目, and I took a sabbatical in 1991 to begin the actual work,她说. Pultorak began by assembling a ten-member board of directors, made up of Wisconsin artists and arts administrators. They had the daunting task of selecting artists to be considered for inclusion in the collection. 他们从她编制的清单开始.

"Artists were selected based on their reputation, 他们参加了多少场演出, 他们的教育,普尔托拉克说. 一旦做出选择, it was up to her to ask the artists to donate pieces to the collections. “我给他们每个人都写了信,”她说. “我的名声受损了. 他们信任我.“Pultorak also donated several pieces of her own collection of Wisconsin artists. As the art came in, she needed a space in which to prepare it. The college owned a house near campus that would suit her purpose.

Pultorak continued the work on the collection long after her sabbatical, even after she retired in 1995 from a 25-year career at Carroll. “我每周至少去两次, 框架, 挂, and putting labels up until I moved to Colorado in 1996.“退休后, 她专心于自己的艺术创作, 包括大型金属雕塑和珠宝.

集合 is often used as a teaching tool for art majors, 谁学习技术和设计, and gain valuable analytical and critiquing skills. Pultorak said the collection also is valuable as a record of individual expressions. "We live in such a fast-moving society that having a time and place to reflect on those expressions is crucial,她说. "Art sustains humanistic impressions in people. Looking at art is like listening to a song that is very beautiful and moving. 艺术家可以为你表达一种感情, 每次你看到作品, you can be brought back to a beautiful experience, 甚至解决一个创伤性的问题."

集合 also educates viewers on the wide range and scope of Wisconsin artists. The works are evidence that Wisconsin art includes more than pastoral landscapes. "Wisconsin artists are very sophisticated,普尔托拉克说. "They fit well into their times and spaces and their works express society.普尔托拉克说 that much of the work allows for individual interpretation. "This collection provides an opportunity for someone to find a piece and relate to it and dream,她说. "You may find an artist who has said something through his work that you wanted to say but couldn't. That's where the union, the real connection begins.

Although the journey was a long one, Pultorak said she wouldn't have missed a single step. “我这么做不是出于个人原因. I did it because I felt it was worthwhile,她说.

集合 begun by Pultorak is now in the hands of others. Responsibility has been assumed by a devoted group of faculty, 工作人员, and members of the Friends of Carroll College. Their overriding concern is to fulfill Pultorak's vision. The work is hung in most public spaces on campus, 包括沙塔克音乐中心, 校园中心, 和汉弗莱艺术中心, 以普尔托拉克的名字命名的画廊. 讲解员可作导游.

集合, 这个数字还在继续增长, 将总是可用和可访问的, 不仅仅是对学生, 但对社区里所有的艺术爱好者.

Marceil Pultorak, professor emeritus of art, served Carroll College from 1970 to 1995.
