
博天堂官方入口登陆登录 recognizes the 2016年度先锋博天堂官方入口登陆登录 and their mentors for their academic and scholarly achievements.

Gianna DePons & Dr. 大卫Bazett-Jones

Gianna DePons
Gianna DePons
Dr. 大卫Bazett-Jones
Dr. 大卫Bazett-Jones


Various running surfaces and their firmness may affect the likelihood of overuse injuries on the lower extremity. The more firm a surface, the greater the impact acceleration that a runner feels upon landing. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to determine whether there are differences between impact accelerations on different trail running surfaces. 参赛者将在泥地上跑步, 碎石和铺砌小径, with accelerometers attached to different parts of the body to measure these impact accelerations. 我们假设较软的表面会降低撞击加速度, 哪些可以减少下肢损伤的可能性.

Maria Roman & Dr. 大卫Bazett-Jones

Maria Roman
Maria Roman
Dr. 大卫Bazett-Jones
Dr. 大卫Bazett-Jones


A large percentage of injuries among runners consist of overuse injuries which can be attributed to faulty running biomechanics. It has been previously found that females are at a greater risk for overuse injury than males. We suspect that these faulty running biomechanics and sex differences may arise during the maturation process of youth. Therefore, the goal of this project is to compare running biomechanics of youth across the stages of maturation (pre-pubertal, pubertal, 青春期后)和两性之间. This study will increase our understanding of the etiology of overuse injuries and facilitate the design of prevention programs

Sarah Stock & Prof. B.J. Best

Sarah Stock
Sarah Stock
Prof. B.J. Best
Prof. B.J. Best


Our project seeks to explore death through a thematically connected flash-fiction novella. Flash-fiction is a relatively new genre of literature, in which stories consist of 100-1000 words. The genre's brevity and flexibility allows for a fusion of poetic and experimental styles that make it perfect for portraying both literal and figurative truths.

Sarah Johanek & Dr. 约翰·加里森

Sarah Johanek
Sarah Johanek
Dr. 约翰·加里森
Dr. 约翰·加里森

J.R.R. 托尔金的《博天堂官方入口登陆登录手机入口》及其中世纪影响

我们的项目考察了最近出版的胡林的孩子们,作者J.R.R. Tolkien. 这本书是作者死后由他的儿子整理的, 是谁利用托尔金的手稿出版了这本书. Like others set in Middle Earth, this novel extensively draws upon Norse folklore and myth. 我们通过探索原始材料来追踪这些影响, 比如维京史诗和芬兰民间传说, 来揭示这部新小说和托尔金更大的作品

John Serrano & Dr. 约翰·加里森

John Serrano
John Serrano
Dr. 约翰·加里森
Dr. 约翰·加里森


Our project explores the concept of "utopia" with a focus on the scientific or "techno-utopia". 我们追溯最早的乌托邦小说之一的影响, 弗朗西斯·培根爵士的《新亚特兰蒂斯》(1627年), 比如赫胥黎的《博天堂官方入口登陆登录手机入口》(1931). While our project primarily examines how these narratives critique the social consequences of scientific advancement in England, 我们还探讨了汉语中的跨文化表达, Polish, 和俄罗斯科幻小说.

凯文·詹宁斯 & Dr. Todd Levine

Dr. Todd Levine
Dr. Todd Levine

Experimental Evolution of Life History Characters in Triops newberryi in Response to Salinity and Light Exposure

生物一代一代地传递信息, 定义每种生物的特征. 然而,它们也必须改变以在不同的条件下生存. 我们正在研究蝌蚪虾, 生活在临时池塘里的小甲壳类动物, 一代又一代的变化. We will experimentally manipulate the environment of several generations to better understand what traits are heritable and how quickly those traits can change over generations.

瑞秋Kutzner & Dr. Joseph Piatt

Dr. Joseph Piatt
Dr. Joseph Piatt

Cyanobacterial Harmful Algal Bloom Ecology and Cyanotoxin Production in Green Bay, Lake Michigan

Water samples from Green Bay and Lake Winnebago will be analyzed to identify the most common cyanobacterial harmful algae blooms, or cyanoHABs, 可能对在其水域游泳的人造成有害影响. The cyanoHABs produce liver and neurotoxins which impact ecological and human health, 包括动物死亡,在某些情况下还造成人类死亡. 我们将与. Todd Miller at the UW-Milwuakee Zilber School of Public Health and the Green Bay DNR, to determine the environmental drivers and the genetic microcystin producers which cause these cyanoHABs to bloom. The data collected will be arranged so as to predict such harmful algal blooms and prevent any harm to the local public and ecosystem.

Allison Tomczyk & Dr. Joseph Piatt

Allison Tomczyk
Allison Tomczyk
Dr. Joseph Piatt
Dr. Joseph Piatt

Cyanobacterial Harmful Algal Bloom Ecology and Cyanotoxin Production in Green Bay, Lake Michigan

The goal of this project is to broaden the understanding of the cyanotoxins produced by harmful algal blooms in Green Bay, WI. This knowledge is essential because harmful algal blooms are a growing problem in the Great Lakes, 产生的蓝藻毒素是肝脏和神经毒素, 哪些影响环境和公众健康. 与威斯康星大学密尔沃基分校的工作人员一起工作, we will be collecting several field samples from Green Bay and analyzing them via liquid chromatography and mass spectrometry to identify the present cyanotoxins (e.g.、蛤蚌毒素和生物活性肽). This project will provide information to develop predictive models and clarify the ecological drivers and genetic/molecular conditions under which harmful algal toxin blooms occur in Green Bay and related sites in the Great Lakes.

Sami Seybold & Dr. 马西莫Rondolino

Sami Seybold
Sami Seybold
Dr. 马西莫Rondolino
Dr. 马西莫Rondolino


Disney film productions from the 1990s onwards have famously promoted a rhetoric of individualism and self-reliance. 不论特定的形式或性别, its main characters consistently reproduce a well defined template: an outsider to the established society saves the world (often literally) by means of those very same properties that initially had made him/her an exile. This project will offer an analysis of Disney's rhetoric as a form of dynamics of legitimation, ultimately showing how by linking the lead characters' past of non-conformity to their eventual heroic success, 迪士尼推广并强化了“自我”这个概念, 以最个性化的形式, 具有不可替代的价值.

凯瑟琳沃戈 & Dr. 斯科特·亨德里克斯

Dr. 斯科特·亨德里克斯
Dr. 斯科特·亨德里克斯

宫廷文艺复兴,课堂文艺复兴? Understanding the Reception of Classical Studies and Renaissance Educational Models at Cambridge and Oxford in the Sixteenth Century

凯瑟琳·沃戈和她的指导老师斯科特·E. Hendrix, are examining the sixteenth-century curricula of both Oxford and Cambridge in order to test the long-received idea that these universities persisted in the traditional scholastic approaches to education that harkened back to the medieval period. 通过检查书单, 16世纪学生的作品, 还有其他来源, Wargo and Hendrix will determine how much the humanistic approach to education that was the hallmark of the Renaissance on the Continent had affected the educational system of Tudor England.
