
博天堂官方入口登陆登录 recognizes the 2015年度先锋博天堂官方入口登陆登录 and their mentors for their academic and scholarly achievements. 阅读2015年夏季研究项目的描述. 

史蒂文Schauz & Dr. 劳拉Karpenko




Dr. 劳拉Karpenko


Dr. 劳拉Karpenko and Steve Schauz were interviewed by Brandon Haskey for Chicago’s Scrawl Radio in November of 2015. 讨论了Karpenko与Schauz一起进行的先锋博天堂官方入口登陆登录工作, 特别是他们两人试行的本科项目. 可以访问采访 here.

奥布里Ellickson & Dr. 苏珊•刘易斯

Dr. 苏珊•刘易斯
Dr. 苏珊•刘易斯


The main purpose of our project is to determine the impact of predation risk on the duration of parental care in amphipods. 片脚类动物的胚胎发育持续六个阶段, with the sixth stage involving the already hatched offspring not being released for unknown reasons. 我们假设这个原因是被捕食的威胁. 为了验证这个假设, we will collect amphipods and observe their behavior and duration of parental care when a chemical predation threat from stickleback fish is present.

埃里克·格雷厄姆 & Dr. 蒂娜施耐德

Dr. 蒂娜施耐德
Dr. 蒂娜施耐德


The project includes characterizing bacteriophages that can infect Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Sewage samples will be collected at various sites around the 沃基肖 area and phage will be isolated and purified from these samples. Genomic analysis and host range tests will be performed to characterize the bacteriophages.

劳拉Yonke & Dr. Piatt乔

Dr. Piatt乔
Dr. Piatt乔

Quantifying the Calcite Precipitation Dynamics in Rivulets of a Calcareous Fen

The goal of this research is to investigate the natural geochemical changes that occur as groundwater becomes surface water which then feeds a stream in a calcareous fen. A series of four field episodes will be conducted in the Vernon Marsh in Mukwonago over the summer and fall to determine the calcite precipitation both gravimetrically and via charge balance. 用于重量分析, tiles will be placed in several locations and weighed at a later time for mass gain or loss indicating in-situ calcite precipitation or dissolution. 至于电荷平衡, the fen water samples will be analyzed for major cations and anions using Flame Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometry and Ion Chromatography.

凯尔·考克斯 & Dr. 蒂姆Galow

Dr. 蒂姆Galow
Dr. 蒂姆Galow


The modern perception of literary fantasy is the thus: shirtless barbaric men saving helpless damsels without physical or sexual agency. 然而, one has to wonder if these stereotypes about fantasy actually hold true under close scrutiny. The aim of this project is to analyze and critique the genre of literary fantasy, then write a novel which covers issues not normally addressed in the genre.

吉娜Finnel & Dr. 蒂娜施耐德

Dr. 蒂娜施耐德
Dr. 蒂娜施耐德

Examining the Role of Bacteriophages in Mediating Antibiotic Resistance Gene Transfer in Fresh Water Systems

This project studies the antibiotic resistance profile of coliform bacteria, 特别是大肠杆菌, 来自三条不同的水道:污水, 狐狸河, 还有佩瓦基湖. Our study will begin by quantifying the prevalence of antibiotic resistant bacteria found in these waterways. E. coli colonies will then be isolated in order to characterize their resistance profiles to several antimicrobial agents. 最后, we will determine if certain genes associated with β-lactam resistance are present in these E. 杆菌分离株.

希瑟·伯格 & Dr. 约翰·加里森

Dr. 约翰·加里森
Dr. 约翰·加里森


This project explores the appeal of Shakespeare in Latin America by focusing on the work of two figures from Argentina: author Jorge Luis Borges and filmmaker Matias Pineiro. Much of Borges' work that will be used during this project has to do with memory, particularly the memories of an individual versus the collective memory of a culture. 皮涅罗的作品将提供视觉元素, allowing a closer look into the adaptation process of a play to film while keeping cultural differences of the audience in mind.

萨曼莎Witthun & Dr. Lori Duin Kelly

Dr. Lori Duin Kelly
Dr. Lori Duin Kelly

In Heaven There Is No Beer: American Views of Temperance in Four Works from the Nineteenth Century

presence of reform movements to moderate or eliminate its use have been fixtures in American life since colonial days. Through researching and analyzing several works from the heyday of Temperance Reform, we will identify specific rhetorical strategies used by the authors writing in this period to influence readers' drinking behaviors. We will also be integrating psychology into our project by looking at how counselors supported or played a role in the temperance reforms, 以及临床帮助酗酒者的努力. We will be presenting our research by writing a paper at the end of our research process to convey the information we found on the topic of temperance throughout the centuries.

Bri布伦瑞克 & Dr. 詹妮弗·哈克

Dr. 詹妮弗·哈克
Dr. 詹妮弗·哈克


这项研究着眼于校园性侵的统计数据, 大学目前是如何处理性侵和强奸案件的, 大学可以通过编程有效地解决这些问题. A literature review was completed to identify the best practices in regards to positive programming and removal of victim blaming. Interviews were conducted with 30 colleges and universities nationwide to identify the type of programming used and to determine whether or not they were supported and used by the student body. The conclusion of this study helped suggest ways campuses can aid students with appropriate programming, 以及对受害者的积极态度.

马特·鲍曼,琳恩·诺埃尔 & Dr. 罗伯托·布雷内斯博士. 托德·莱文

Dr. 罗伯特·布伦
Dr. 罗伯特·布伦
Dr. 托德·莱文
Dr. 托德·莱文

Distribution and Reproductive Success of the Two Lure Morphs Present in Lampsilis Cardium throughout the Mukwonago River

North America is home to more species of pearly mussels than any other continent. These mussels have parasitic larvae that must attach to host fishes to move on to their juvenile stage. 我正在研究兰普西利斯心脏, 哪种鱼饵有两种截然不同的形态, 有斑点和条纹图案, 没有人知道为什么. 我研究的目的是确定这两种变体是否同时发生, 如果它们生活在同一个栖息地, 以及它们在河流中是否以相似的密度出现.
