
Successful participation in the 博天堂官方入口登陆登录 Master of Science in Nursing Program requires that a candidate possess the ability to meet the requirements of the program. Though the program may modify certain course requirements in order to provide a handicapped person with an equivalent opportunity to achieve results equal to those of a non-handicapped person, 下列基本技能是无可替代的.

The applicant/candidate must initially meet the health requirements and technical standards to gain admission to the nursing program. If a student has a change in health status while enrolled in the nursing program the student is required to inform the nursing department chair, 提交医师许可并更新技术标准表.


Professional nursing students are expected to demonstrate the ability to meet the demands of a professional nursing career. Certain functional abilities are essential for the delivery of safe, effective nursing care. An applicant to the Master of Science in Nursing Program must meet and maintain the following technical standards for progression throughout the program. 不能达到这些技术标准的学生将无法完成课程. Students shall notify the program of any change in their ability to meet technical standards.



学生应具备视觉功能的运用, 触摸, 听觉和嗅觉,这样感官接收到的数据是整合的, 以一致和准确的方式分析和综合. 学生应该具备感知疼痛的能力, 压力, 温度, 位置, 振动和运动,以有效地评估患者. 学生必须能够迅速对紧急情况作出反应.


The student must have the ability to make accurate visual observations and interpret them in the context of clinical/laboratory activities and patient care experiences. 学生必须能够准确地记录这些观察结果.


The student must communicate effectively verbally and non-verbally to obtain information and explain that information to others. 每个学生都必须有阅读的能力, 写, 能理解及说英语,方便与病人沟通, 家庭成员和医疗团队的其他成员. 学生必须能够记录并保持准确的记录, presents information in a professional manner and provide patient instruction to effectively care for patients and their families.


The student must be able to perform gross and fine motor movements with sufficient coordination needed to provide complete physical assessments and provide safe effective care for patients. The student is expected to have psychomotor skills necessary to perform or assist with procedures, 治疗, 进行药物治疗和紧急干预,包括必要时进行心肺复苏术. The student must have sufficient levels of neuromuscular control and eye-to-hand coordination as well as possess the physical and mental stamina to meet the demands associated with extended periods of sitting, 站, 安全护理病人所需的活动和体力消耗. 学生必须能够弯腰、蹲下、伸手、跪下或保持平衡. Clinical settings may require that students have the ability to carry and lift loads from the floor, 离地面12英寸, 到肩高和头顶. 学生必须能偶尔举起50磅, 经常举起25磅,持续举起10磅. The student is expected to be able to maintain consciousness and equilibrium and have the physical strength and stamina to perform satisfactorily in clinical settings.


The student must have the ability to develop problem-solving skills essential to professional nursing practice. 解决问题的能力包括衡量的能力, 计算的原因, 分析, 综合客观和主观数据, and to make decisions in a timely manner that reflects thoughtful deliberation and sound clinical judgment. The student must demonstrate application of these skills and possess the ability to incorporate new information from peers, instructors and the nursing/healthcare literature to formulate sound judgment to establish care plans and priorities in patient care activities.


The student is expected to have the 情感 stability required to exercise sound judgment, 完成评估和干预活动. 同情, 完整性, motivation and concern for others are personal attributes required of those in the nursing program. The student must fully utilize intellectual capacities that facilitate prompt completion of all responsibilities in the classroom and clinical settings; the development of mature, sensitive and effective relationship with patients and other members of the healthcare team. The ability to establish rapport and maintain interpersonal relationships with individuals, 来自各种社会的家庭和团体, 情感, 文化和知识背景对护士的实践至关重要. Each student must be able to adapt to changing environments; display flexibility; accept and integrate constructive criticism given in the classroom and clinical settings; and effectively collaborate in the clinical setting with other members of the healthcare team.


The student must be able to adapt to and function effectively in relation to stressful situations encountered in both the classroom and clinical settings, 包括紧急情况. 学生在护理课程中会遇到多种压力源. 这些压力源可能是(但不限于)个人的, 病人护理/家庭, 教员/同行和/或项目相关.


Clinical facilities require that 博天堂官方入口登陆登录 perform background checks on all students before participation in clinical courses. 背景调查结果将与临床机构共享.


残疾申请人/候选人不得, on the basis of his or her handicap (except those which would preclude the essential skills outlined above) be neither excluded from participation in, 剥夺了…的好处, 也不能在项目中受到歧视. 博天堂官方入口登陆登录 may require that the applicant/student undergo a physical examination and/or an occupational skills evaluation.

All nursing students must be able to perform the essential functions of a professional nurse. Reasonable accommodations will be afforded to disabled professional nurses as required under the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990. A student who can no longer perform the essential functions of a professional nurse must report that to the MSN Program Director. 如果不能提供合理的安排, 这名学生将不能继续学习护理课程.

