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Program 所需的能力 for Entry Level Practice | M.S. in Physician Assistant Studies

The PA profession defines the specific knowledge, 技能, 以及职业所要求的态度,并提供必要的教育经验,以便医师助理获得并展示这些能力. 以下的能力反映了预期的能力,因为他们涉及到的医师助理硕士项目的毕业生,因为他们进入这个行业. [由全国医师助理认证委员会(NCCPA)发布], in conjunction with the American of Physician Assistants (AAPA), the Physician Assistant Education Association (PAEA), 以及医师助理教育认证审查委员会(ARC-PA), 2012].

1. 医学知识

一般的定义: Medical knowledge includes an understanding of pathophysiology, 病人报告, 鉴别诊断, 病人管理, 手术原则, health promotion and disease prevention. 医师助理必须展示有关已建立和不断发展的生物医学和临床科学的核心知识,并将这些知识应用于他们的实践领域的患者护理. 除了, 医师助理应表现出对临床情况的调查和分析思维方法.

Physician assistant graduates are expected to:

  1. 描述病因、危险因素、潜在病理过程和流行病学
  2. 医疗条件;
  3. identify signs and symptoms of 医疗条件;
  4. select and interpret appropriate diagnostic or lab studies;
  5. 管理一般医疗和手术条件,包括:了解适应症, 禁忌症, 副作用, 药物和其他相关治疗方式的相互作用和不良反应;
  6. identify the appropriate site of care for common presenting conditions, including identifying emergent cases and those requiring referral or admission;
  7. identify appropriate interventions for prevention of conditions;
  8. identify the appropriate methods to detect conditions in an asymptomatic individual;
  9. differentiate between the normal and the abnormal in anatomic, 生理, laboratory findings and other diagnostic data;
  10. appropriately use history and physical findings and diagnostic studies to formulate a 鉴别诊断; and
  11. provide appropriate care to patients with chronic conditions.

2. 人际关系 & 沟通技巧

一般的定义: 人际关系 and communication 技能 encompass verbal, 非语言的 and written exchange of information. 医师助理必须表现出人际关系和沟通技巧,从而与患者进行有效的信息交换, 病人家属, 医生, 专业的同事, 还有医疗保健系统.

Physician assistant graduates are expected to:

  1. create and sustain a therapeutic and ethically sound relationship with patients
  2. demonstrate the use of effective listening, 非语言的, 说明, 质疑, and writing 技能 to elicit and provide information
  3. 适当地调整沟通风格和信息,以适应个体患者互动的背景
  4. 作为卫生保健团队或其他专业团体的成员或领导者,与医生和其他卫生保健专业人员有效地工作
  5. demonstrate an understanding of human behavior
  6. demonstrate emotional resilience and stability, 适应性, flexibility and tolerance of ambiguity and anxiety
  7. 准确和充分地记录和记录有关医疗护理过程的信息, 法律, quality and financial purposes

3. 病人护理

一般的定义: Patient care includes age-appropriate assessment, evaluation and management. Physician assistants must demonstrate care that is effective, 以病人为中心, 及时的, 有效和公平地治疗健康问题和促进健康.

Physician assistant graduates are expected to:

  1. 有效地与医生和其他卫生保健专业人员合作,提供以患者为中心的护理
  2. 在与患者及其家属互动时表现出关心和尊重的行为
  3. gather essential and accurate information about their patients
  4. 能够根据病人的信息和偏好,对诊断和治疗干预作出明智的决定, up-to-date scientific evidence, 以及临床判断
  5. develop and carry out appropriate 病人管理 plans
  6. demonstrate the ability to counsel and educate patients and their families
  7. 在私人助理执业领域中能熟练地执行必要的内科和外科手术
  8. 证明有能力提供旨在预防健康问题或保持健康的保健服务和教育

4. 专业

一般的定义: 专业 is the expression of positive values and ideals as care is delivered. 最重要的是,它涉及将被服务对象的利益置于自己的利益之上. Physician assistants must know their professional and personal limitations. 专业还要求私人助理在执业时不受药物滥用的损害, cognitive deficiency or mental illness. Physician assistants must demonstrate a high level of responsibility, 道德实践, 对不同患者群体的敏感性和对法律法规要求的遵守.

Physician assistant graduates are expected to demonstrate:

  1. an understanding of 法律 and regulatory requirements, as well as the appropriate role of the physician assistant
  2. professional relationships with physician supervisors and other health care providers
  3. respect, compassion, and integrity
  4. responsiveness to the needs of patients and society
  5. accountability to patients, society, and the profession
  6. a commitment to excellence and on-going professional development
  7. 对提供或不提供临床护理的道德原则的承诺, confidentiality of patient information, 知情同意, 商业惯例
  8. sensitivity and responsiveness to patients’ culture, age, gender, and disabilities; and
  9. self-reflection, critical curiosity and initiative

5. Practice-Based Learning and Improvement

一般的定义: 基于实践的学习和改进包括临床医生对自己的实践经验进行批判性分析的过程, 医学文献等信息资源,以自我完善为目的. 医师助理必须能够评估,评估和改善他们的病人护理实践.

Physician assistant graduates are expected to:

  1. 展示分析实践经验的能力,并与医疗服务团队的其他成员一起使用系统的方法进行基于实践的改进活动
  2. demonstrate the ability to locate, 评价, 并整合与患者健康问题相关的科学研究证据
  3. 获取和应用关于他们自己的患者群体和他们的患者被吸引的更大的人群的信息
  4. 运用研究设计和统计方法的知识来评估临床研究和其他有关诊断和治疗效果的信息
  5. apply information technology to manage information, access on-line medical information, and support their own education
  6. facilitate the learning of other students and/or other health care professionals and
  7. demonstrate the ability to recognize and appropriately address gender, 文化, 认知差异
  8. recognize emotional and other biases; gaps in medical knowledge; and physical limitations in themselves and others

6. 系统实践

一般的定义: Systems-based practice encompasses the societal, organizational and economic environments in which health care is delivered. 医师助理必须表现出对更大的医疗保健系统的意识和反应能力,以提供最优价值的患者护理. 私人执业医师应该努力改善他们的执业是其中一部分的更大的卫生保健系统.

Physician assistant graduates are expected to demonstrate the ability to:

  1. use information technology to support patient care decisions and patient education
  2. effectively interact with different types of medical practice and delivery systems
  3. 了解为病人提供医疗保险的资金来源和支付系统
  4. 实行具有成本效益的医疗保健和资源分配,不损害医疗质量
  5. 倡导高质量的病人护理,并协助病人处理系统的复杂性
  6. partner with supervising 医生, health care managers and other health care providers to assess, 协调, and improve the delivery of health care and patient outcomes
  7. 承担责任,促进患者护理的安全环境,识别和纠正对患者护理产生负面影响的基于系统的因素
  8. apply medical information and clinical data systems to provide more effective, 高效的病人护理
  9. use the systems responsible for the appropriate payment of services