Tuition and Fees | Master of Occupational Therapy

Estimated total program tuition and fees - 2024 - 2026

Carroll University Approximate Yearly Expenses
Total Cost of Program (6 semesters 2024-2026)
Carroll University Approximate Yearly Expenses:Program Tuition ($870.00 per credit)
Total Cost of Program (6 semesters 2024-2026):$74,820*
Carroll University Approximate Yearly Expenses:Semester Program Fee ($550 x6)
Total Cost of Program (6 semesters 2024-2026):$3,300
Carroll University Approximate Yearly Expenses:Room & Board (not with parents)
Total Cost of Program (6 semesters 2022-2024):$9,002
Carroll University Approximate Yearly Expenses:Books & Supplies
Total Cost of Program (6 semesters 2022-2024):$1,700
Carroll University Approximate Yearly Expenses:Transportation
Total Cost of Program (6 semesters 2022-2024):$2,566
Carroll University Approximate Yearly Expenses:Loan Fees
Total Cost of Program (6 semesters 2022-2024):$192
Carroll University Approximate Yearly Expenses:Miscellaneous Expenses
Total Cost of Program (6 semesters 2022-2024):$2,860
Carroll University Approximate Yearly Expenses:Total:
Total Cost of Program (6 semesters 2024-2026):$94,440

To see a complete list of full time cost of attendance by program for an academic year, click here.

*Published costs are estimated and subject to change. The cost of attendance is offered to prospective students for planning purposes. OT tuition is reviewed and approved by the Board of Trustees in May each year. 

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