博天堂官方入口登陆登录 MBA 项目
Frequently Asked Questions

Have more questions about 博天堂官方入口登陆登录's MBA Program? Find the answers you are looking for in this FAQ or 直接博天堂官方入口登陆登录.

Do I need an undergraduate business degree in order to get my MBA?

博天堂官方入口登陆登录’s Master of Business Administration program is welcoming and encourages learners of all backgrounds. To enroll in 博天堂官方入口登陆登录’s MBA program, you’ll need a bachelor’s degree in any major. Depending on your chosen track, you will benefit from experience with statistics, economics and accounting.  The program will offer guidance on how to best prepare for subject-based coursework through modules and recommended reading.


A good MBA will provide you with the education necessary to help you advance in any profession. The Carroll MBA will offer you the opportunity to learn in a smaller, more collaborative setting where you’ll tackle real world challenges, either in person or online. You’ll learn alongside classmates from all different industries, backgrounds and walks of life. The Carroll MBA will develop your business portfolio and create and foster networking opportunities.

What can I do with an MBA?

An MBA degree can be used for a multitude of reasons, ranging anywhere from expanding your knowledge and skills in an area of expertise, to developing yourself as a leader within your organization. The degree provides you a breadth of experience, ranging from subject knowledge to networking, to increased self-confidence. 

How quickly can I get my MBA?

Carroll’s MBA program can be completed in as little as one year, but most students complete the program in one and a half years at a comfortable pace.  Courses are completed in eight-week terms throughout the academic calendar, with six possible entry points.

Can I pause and return to Carroll to finish my degree?

Yes, the MBA program allows you to complete courses at your own pace. We understand that everyone’s situation is different; some need to take time for family, some want to pick up an extra course in a semester. Our goal is to get you from point A to point MBA at the pace that fits your life!


The 博天堂官方入口登陆登录 MBA offers a complete package for professionals, offering coursework in high demand areas, 专业的教练, membership in the Analytics and Business Intelligence Consortium, 和更多的.  With our EFMD certification, the Carroll MBA is recognized internationally for developing high-quality managers and leaders in the business world.

I know I want to pursue and MBA, but I am unsure of the track.  我该怎么办??

The program has a set of core courses that are the same within each track.  It is common for learners to develop their interests through participation in the core coursework, and through discussions with faculty and classmates.  

I am interested in a graduate certificate.  How do those courses work?

Certificates are MBA "add on" or stand-alone sets of courses in one subject area.  They can be earned while completing the MBA or after.  Certificates are earned by completing three courses in a grouping, and can be combined to earn a MBA.  Also, certificate courses can be completed while pursuing the MBA as elective options.

Who should I contact with questions?

Any question can be sent to MBAinfo@ospifse.net.  Those responding will differ based on their role.

Josh Hurlebaus - Admission process and getting started
亚历山德拉Sielaff - Business management concentration, 培训计划, graduate certificates in Business Analytics, 企业管理, Financial and Supply Chain Management
凯蒂·麦卡锡 - Healthcare administration and healthcare related graduate certificates
夏利奥里维拉 - Capstone项目
杰伊·雅各布森 - Corporate Partnerships


Panoramic View of campus